Hi there, I’m Marta. Welcome!
Thank you for your interest in my work, and in possibly working together. I look forward to meeting you!
If you are interested in purchasing tickets to any of my courses, there are links below. There is also information about my online community, Divergent Design Studios, and my newsletter, The Spiral Lab.
If you would like to receive emails from me announcing new courses and other projects, as well as information about discounted tickets, please join this interest list:
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at marta@martarose.com.
Courses & Workshops & Other Projects

Neuroqueering Your Creative Practice
Neuroqueer (v): the practice of queering (subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from) neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously
This course, co-facilitated with KR Moorhead and Meg Max, is an introduction to a variety of ‘neuroqueering’ practices, geared towards artists and creatives. Session topics arise from the facilitators' personal and professional interests and experience and may change from intake to intake.
This course is produced by KR Moorhead, and you can find more information and tickets at their site by clicking the button below. You can also sign up for the interest list if you would like to be informed when upcoming intakes go on sale, and about discounted tickets and other special offers.
Coming Home to Ourselves
The process of neurodivergent unmasking can often feel like coming home to a more authentic version of ourselves, but it can also be incredibly confusing, disruptive, and often tinged with grief and regret. Our creativity is often at the heart of facing these difficulties, and embracing our homecoming and homemaking allows us to redesign and recreate both our literal and metaphorical interior spaces.
This course is co-facilitated with Meg Max and is produced by KR Moorhead. You can find more information and tickets on KR’s site by clicking the button below. You can also sign up for the interest list if you would like to be informed when upcoming intakes go on sale, and about discounted tickets and other special offers.
Divergent Design Studios

Divergent Design Studios
Is your neurodivergent mind often racing with creative ideas, making connections no one else can see?
And yet you find yourself stuck, immobilized, lonely.
Do you have trouble getting started? Get mired in the middle? Fail to finish?
Do you hear so many shaming voices in your head that you feel defeated before you even begin?
Maybe you are so overcome by perfectionism and the fear of judgment that you never get out of your head and actually start making—your art or your life!
Or maybe you’ve found a creative practice that works well for you . . . but you still feel so all alone!
Imagine if you had the spaciousness to pursue the creative connections your brain is constantly making.
What if there were no shame in the quirky, expansive ways your mind works?
Imagine a community of neurodivergent creatives who really understand and want to support you on your own terms!
Membership in DDS is on a sliding scale, to benefit the hosts of various events and me, Marta, the creative director of the community. If you are able to pay, please do at the rate you can afford, but if you need a free membership, no one will ever be turned away for lack of funds. For free memberships, please email me at marta@martarose.com. We also offer a 7 day free trial so you can see for yourself if you are a good fit.
There is no upselling in DDS, and all memberships give you access to everything:
a community forum for conversations, sharing, and support,
special interest feeds, called Labs: Somatics, Writing, BIPOC, Food, Interior and Garden Design, Multi-Media Arts, Tarot/Astrology/Metaphysics, Small Business and Chronic Pain & Illness,
two weekly 60-minute peer support groups on a general topic generated by the community,
weekly guided 1:1 Peer Support—Listening Turns session,
weekly community journaling session to explore Peer Support topics in more depth,
weekly Writers Room cowriting and workshopping session,
weekly end-of-week Wrap Up session,
biweekly Somatics Lab Peer Support session,
monthly Authentic Movement Practice Group,
monthly trans-centered writing space,
multiple weekly Studio Time sessions (aka body doubling or co-working) plus pop-up, member-led sessions.
biannual Salons for sharing creative work,
semi-regular workshops offered by Marta or other members,
plus, new member-generated events and creative invitations popping up all the time!
The Spiral Lab

The Spiral Lab
The Spiral Lab is less a newsletter with a clear niche and more a wide-ranging experiment exploring topics related to spiral time, divergent design, creativity, and disability justice.
My work offers critical insights and healing metaphors for reframing the ways we understand neurodivergence and disability. I also write about interior and garden design, camping in a van with my partner and our dogs, homemaking and community-building, moments of enchantment, books I’m reading, and interviews with interesting, smart people.
Most posts on The Spiral Lab are free, but I do put some posts behind a paywall for paid subscribers, especially things that are personal, works in progress, and stuff that may eventually become courses and/or a book(!)
Paid subscriptions to The Spiral Lab literally pay the bills, so if you are able and you enjoy my work, please consider taking me out for a cup of coffee once a month!